Walvoil • Hydrocontrol • Galtech
Uutuus: SDX060-sarjan proportionaaliventtiilit
Uuden sukupolven SDX060 on suunniteltu täyttämään markkinoiden yhä kovenevia vaatimuksia
Tämä monipuolinen ja kompakti venttiili soveltuu moniin käyttökohteisiin kuten henkilönostimiin, kappaletavaranostureihin, jätehuoltoautoihin ym.
Erittäin tarkan ohjattavuuden takaa mm. seuraavat ominaisuudet:
- LS-valmius, painekompensoidut toiminnot
- proportionaaliohjaus, suora on-off ja käsivivusto
- pumpun tuotto 80 L/min, karakohtainen virtaus 35 L/min
- karojen räätälöinti
- bolt-on -lisämoduulit, kuten kuormanlasku- ja lukkoventtiilit (myös sähköohjatut).
Full Flow Sharing sectional valve for wide range of applications
EX38 is ideal for applications such as Truck Mounted Cranes, Foresry Trailers, Skip and Hook Loaders, Mini-excavators, Tractors and Agricultural Machines.
- Right or Left inlet configurations
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves and solenoid unloader valve
- Pre-compensated or Post-compensated working sections configurations
- Working section with or without port valve arrangement
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves on each section
- Mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and proportional electro-hydraulic controls
- Optional spool position sensors
- EX Series valves are stackable with each other.
Nominal Flow Rating on working ports l/min – (US gpm): 100 (26)
Nominal Flow Rating l/min – (US gpm): 150 (40)
Max. Pressure bar – (psi): 350 (5100)
Number of Sections: 10
Pitch mm (in): 38 (1,50)
Full Flow Sharing sectional valve for wide range of applications
EX46 is ideal for applications such as Truck Mounted Cranes, Foresry Trailers, Telehandlers, Mini-excavators, Backhoe Loaders, Agricultural Machines.
- Right or Left inlet configurations
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves and solenoid unloader valve
- Pre-compensated or Post-compensated working section configurations
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves on each working section
- Mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and proportional electrohydraulic controls
- Optional spool position sensors
- EX Series valves are stackable with each other.
Nominal Flow Rating on working ports l/min – (US gpm): 180 (48)
Nominal Flow Rating l/min – (US gpm): 220 (58)
Max. Pressure bar – (psi): 350 (5100)
Number of Sections: 10
Pitch mm (in): 46 (1,81)
Full Flow Sharing sectional valve for high flow applications
EX54 is ideal for applications such as Midi-excavators, Wheel Loaders, Drilling Rigs, All Terrain Cranes, Mining Machinery, Marine Equipment.
- Right or Left inlet configurations
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves
- Post-compensated working section configurations
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves on each working section
- Hydraulic, and proportional electro-hydraulic controls
- Optional spool position sensors
- EX Series valves are stackable with each other
Nominal Flow Rating on working ports l/min (US gpm): 250 (66)
Nominal Flow Rating l/min (US gpm): 300 (79)
Max. Pressure bar (psi): 350 (5100)
Number of Sections: 8
Pitch mm (in): 54 (2,13)
Full Flow Sharing sectional valve for high flow applications
The EX72 is the highest flow performance valve in the Full Flow Sharing valve range. Performance and particularly robust construction make it ideal for applications such as All Terrain Cranes, Drilling Rigs, Wheel Loaders, Stackers and big size Fork Lifts.
- Hydraulic and proportional electro-hydraulic controls
- Wide range of port valves
- Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves on each working section
- Last section work as outlet
- EX Series valves are stackable with each other.
Nominal Flow Rating on working ports l/min – (US gpm): 350 (92)
Nominal Flow Rating l/min – (US gpm): 450 (119)
Max. Pressure bar – (psi): 350 (5100)
Number of Sections: 8
Pitch mm (in): 72 (2,83)
Kysy lisätietoa asiantuntijoiltamme
Mika Lantee
010 5742 500
Anders Nyberg
010 5742 505
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